script: oscillating at 40hz – vegetation young men became



< the prosthetic body >

Me, as landscape, speculating on extensions
fabulating on prosthesis
infiltrating the burdens you receive anonymously
infecting you deeply with my formlessness, my molecular malaise highly contagious

integrated, fused, reciprocal a parasitic take over

What if you, you all being my prosthesis?

Oh, quite bizarre when you all put on auxiliary organs organs not yet grown together as a matter of facts occasionally in trouble
not complete, not even in some parts, only halfway in others

What are you experiencing?
not being sure where does one prosthesis stop and the other begin what is artifical, what is organic, what flesh
remote controlled?

Decomposing our common body into molecular valorisation new types of sexual encounters
abstract sex, abstract ethics

Can we decode it?
are we transhuman, transmaterial, translucent?
blind and immortal like the transparent axylotl in the infinite caves of Mexican lakes stuck in a never-ending lava stage
disturbing puberty, perpetuating childish innocence

Wenn Kampfdrohnen unter dem Geläut von Wagners Walküre den Horizont verdunkeln Jung-Männer-Piloten gelassen die roten Knöpfe drücken
künstliche Intelligenzen die Verantwortung übernehmen

Der Prothesengott lächelt milde,
denn die menschlichen Kollateralschäden sind nur für die Statistik

Godsview- blind and not guilty?
god is dead, idiolatry of the prostheses mankind completing the promise of salvation

And yes!
mindfulness, being not only yourselves
You are already too fragile not to desire the prosthetic

I will hold you in responsibility



< the cybernetic body >

Me, one of the many landscapes, i will take my chance sharing my burden with you
me, the dark Goya colossus on the horizon
the threat of destruction, looming acts of war

Simultaneously, me, the cyborgian Malinche, still sleeping dreaming from a peaceful de-colonized landscape struggling with the technological
with the normative power of the possible

Mastery of nature had become a fairytale

Feeling the prostheses – broadening perceptions towards what was formed in narcotic rhythms determined by the standardized unit of measurement

Wenn die Stiefelschritte in meinen Tiefen nachhallen

“Linie zu einem Glied!” “Rechts – um!” Marsch!

Order is something painfully real stinging as a sting

And: your body are counting, counting yourselves! unisono
the marching machinic organ – the pursued homeostasis

In Anwendung des alles regelnden Formaldienstes – Befehl:
Die Brust vorgewölbt!
Die Schultern in gleicher Höhe, leicht zurückgenommen!
Der Kopf wird aufrecht gehalten, der Blick ist geradeaus gerichtet, der Mund ist geschlossen.

“The command language does not allow any interpretation of the requested action”

Becoming one with the machine becoming a cold body-machine becoming code in pastoral beauty ethical unit

Plötzlich zu einem Glied in der Funktionskette von Communication and Control geworden musste die Kybernetik die Rolle des Menschen klären

Who will benefit?

when we are all becoming blackened bodies?
being part of a global plantationlike economy
turning into a dark mass of meta data, only mattering statistically preordained destination
Saint Michael is weighing the souls –
cannon fodder for the cybernetic overflow

The idea of a clean and smart algorithm no deep consciousness, just processing uncomputable



< the militarized body >

Me, as landscape
an endlessly deferred location
totally disaffected from the myth of the soil, from the solum in realtime: more technology than nature
me, still a battlefield

Durchtränkt von Schweiss, genitalen Flüssigkeiten, Nitraten und Schwermetallen

The soil never forgets – eternal destiny

Me as military training ground murmuring: whoever has to count, cannot revolt! Everybody fungible, replaced by numbers –

Eine Summe wunderschön gestählter Körper das ist, was zählt!

Bodies in asceticism, practice, self-conquest hostility until pain turns into pleasure rituals of pain and love
the single desiring body who does not desire

Massive cybernetic assault on the molecules
haemorrhagic blisters, aching calluses, frostbitten toes, Frostbeulen ,wenn sie schwarzgeworden und sich vom Leib lösen, werden einzeln begraben

Hypnotized bodies disappearing into crowd
without empathy
selflessness – in the praise of preordained comradeship connected as algorithmic ornament

Abandoning paternalistic grammar: some fathers, no mothers, no childs
As logistical bodies they shall be enacted
doing without thinking, feeling without emotion
moving without friction, adapting without question, translating without pause connecting without interruption

Me as a logistical totality of bodies
a constant mobility in theatrical self-constitution me as a mass – a product of black pedagogy

Military discipline is enhanced by drill
instant commands – synchronized completion
every child, even the most ordinary, will not forget or forgive any of the orders

The unit

maneuvering efficiently formations around obstacles

drill- now we call it exercises training to optimize bodies as a body

„Was die Masse aber selbst wirklich war, das wußte ich nicht, es war ein Rätsel, das zu lösen ich mir vornahm.“

Nobody, nothing is blocking the common swinging brain waves vibrating simultaneously, near the quality of being hypnotizesed synchronously at an oscillation frequency of 40 Hertz
that’s music in my ear!

40 Hertz – it is the deep bass tone – which made me audible as traumatized grounds

Celebrating me, the landscape
as diffracted mass ornament, as swinging militarized body

Now, wanna create the molar order of wild rules

Someone smelling the sweet flowering Calluna during manoeuvre? imaginations of springtime

Me as militant body, absorbing all sexual desires

Der drohende Krieg als »Entmännlichung«

dampening of any lust

Military bodies, denied of sex – except the love to the authority every ejaculation wasted life

just spilled to the vampires of the pornotropic, Hey, there is no revolutionary power!



< animal body >

Me, as landscape – longing for contact
blinded by the lustrous magenta-coloured lights stimulating unnaturally photosynthesis
wanna shake up your body knowledge redeeming myself, temporarily

Young men in camps
a lot of breath, tears and bad dreams
soldiers forming a mass, not a political movement just imitating , each other

And all together imitating artificial animals
mimicking nature and their manifold appearances
the fire, the sea, the cloud, the algorithm, the forest, the network, the wind

Mass is not an exclusively human phenomenon,
but a cosmic one and a lot of social theories are formulated thinking about how to control it

Power means incorporating, body swallowing other bodies, swallowing its subjects what does power as incorporation need? Teeth that grind?

Teeth are good when they are smooth, hard, resistant and they become effective for creating order

And finally internalizing what was previously close, too close
crushed and squashed, assimilated and adapted from within – becoming animal body

The end is excrement
nothing belong so much to you as excrement
me, as landscape – mourning for excremental bodies

Bodies? ornaments!

learning from Henry Ford’s imagination of numbers following his ideas of the non-quite humans as ornament

„Only parts of bodies are necessary for the production of a car, which consists of several thousand different operations:
For 949 operations healthy, strong bodies are required,
670 operations can be performed by legless people,

2637 by one-legged, 2 operations by armless, 715 by one-armed, ten by blind people.“

Auch ich, die Landschaft rechne mit allem
ich komme dann ins Spiel, wenn unheimliche Kräfte die Spuren der Zivilisation auflösen, wenn das grosse Gerät im Morast der Berechenbarkeit versinkt.

Excess of a mass
lost order
when bodies, whole or divided, dissolved or traumatized restless meandering, crossing horizonless
just fleeing what’s behind you

Eine kleine Unterbrechung, eine falsch eingesetzte Variable, ein ausser Kontrolle geratener Prozessor, und es folgt die Verausgabung der Menge

Ja diese Nervösität halte ich aufrecht, ich geniesse Ziellosigkeiten!



< the psychedelic body >

Me, as a landscapes – longing for contact

in meinem nervösen Schlaf

suffering and displeasure
on being human as a widespread deficiency

me, still a battlefield, caught in spacetimematterings in chronotopic timeslots
how to survive when military order has dissolved? when men fulfilled their predestination?

No way to escape – just becoming part of an ornamental landscape?

„Hurra, schrie der Untertan, denn alle schrien es.“
Diederich konnte ihm ins Gesicht sehen, steinerner Ernst voller Blitze – aber ihm verschwamm es vor den Augen, so sehr schrie er. Ein Rausch höher und herrlicher als der, den das Bier vermittelt, hob ihn auf die Fußspitzen, trug ihn durch die Luft.“

Wenn das Schwärmen jedoch angesichts der nahenden Front nicht mehr genug Dopamine ausschüttet, dann konsumieren wir das, was wir kriegen können

Alkohol, Opiate, Halluzinogene und Amphetamine – Rein damit!
„Ankündigungskommando ist Ausführungskommando!“

Wounded, Drugged, Repaired. Entering the war-zone again.

Following the unleashed bodies in front of you
walking for days without hunger
knowing that at the end of the road your end is waiting

Und die Soldaten, die nach Pervitin verlangten, haben dann Pervitin erhalten, wenn denn noch Pervitin vorhanden war.

Almost orgiastic, putting an end to your own life without risk
throw oneself with a blissful smile into the machinic bayonet of the enemy

“Guter Aufschlag!” soll die zynische Losung der Todesflieger gewesen sein, die sich auf Schlachtschiffe, Munitionsfabriken oder Brücken stürzten

In this desired fall, sovereign act
an act with the complete loss of the self a moment of intense being

Die Maschine hatte die sich selbstopfernden-Männer ausgeworfen- sie raste blind in den Raum Guter Aufschlag!

excellent performance!

Vorbei die Arbeit am gestählten Körper, das Exerzieren im Gelände
Vorbei die Übung an der Verkürzung der Reaktionszeit und dem Abschalten des lebensrettenden Instinkts Vorbei das Perfektionieren des Zusammenspiels von Muskeln, Sehnen, Bindegewebe und Nervenzellen – Degree Zero. Nullpunkt.

For those who survived madness: sorry there are no hallucinogens left we stopped the production after war

You have to face reality. or choose the gel-cooled eye mask. Be Proud! Practice oblivion!
Excellent performance!

There are no lessons to learn how to be a good veteran no rules to live with repaired bodies
every day leaving the house becomes a challenge becoming nonvisible parts of history

Aber Du weißt, ich werde dich immer in meine Arme schliessen.

Me, the landscape, waiting to incorporate you. Even in fragments me, taking all your recyclables. Fermented.

The heath landscape is nutrient-poor
many species of the genus Calluna manage to extract nutrients from the acid soil
only in symbiotic combination with the mycorrhiza fungi
taking advantage of what wasn’t contaminated by the ammunition left over from the maneuvers

Join me! I will respect you!



< the regulated sexual body >

Me as landscape. mostly attributed as female penetrated by all kind of sexual actions

ploughing and sowing are man’s work
in many cultures women are forbidden to put seeds into grounds

tekkno-organs, bound in a spiral dance,
I would rather be a cyborg than a goddess

still apprehending the homoerotic desires in the fields, expansiveness of male fantasies
infecting camp, grasslands and battlefields

Dances on the volcano- many young recruits afraid of dying as virgins the leave from the front usually lasted only 48 hours

Auf der verzweifelten Suche nach weichen, warmen, alles umschliessenden Schenkeln

Walking from dance hall to dance hall. from brothel to brothel who knows if you’ll be able to enjoy it again?

Die Frauen müssen im Akkord für die Lustbefriedigung der Soldaten sorgen. Liebesdienst ist das keiner.

Bis zu dem Moment als etwas Drittes die Bühne betrat: Treponema pallidum.
Der spiralförmig gewundene Erreger der Syphilis.
Geschlechtskrankheiten bedrohten die Kampffähigkeit und der Schlagkraft der Truppen im ersten Weltkrieg

All warring states were more or less aware of the dangers
that threatened the combat capability and the effectiveness of the troops
In the syphilitic terminal stage, the soldiers suffered from complete overconfidence – coupled with the inability to interpret commands and commands

Regelungen wurden eilig verfassst. Und Kondome wurden zum Bestandteil der Einmannpackung fürs Feld. Aber warum Kondome benutzen, wenn im Kampf eh gestorben wurde?

Tested and found to be infected,
the women disappeared remarkably quickly into the psychiatric departments into the closed ones

While the soldiers in the hospitals were nursed up by red and white carrying nurses why am I telling you this?
because war doesn’t make men heroes, but women prostitutes

genitality, excess, the desperate laughs on the way to the front

Lachen, welche die Körper schrill durchzieht,
Körper, denen es nicht gelingt die leiblichen Gelüste in moralische Überlegenheit zu überführen

Maybe simulations in Sunday afternoon dance cafes?
Not so far from everywhere. Not so far from Garden Eden
A pleasant walk under exotic palm trees with female escort in a white cotton dress

Bedient vom schwarzen Kellner Jim Macoso
dessen Bild mit Frack, Zylinder und Spazierstock man als Postkarte in Itzehoe kaufen konnte

Ein Ort, an dem die Bienen heutzutage bei schönem Wetter immer noch die fleischigen Blüten befruchten alle weiblich, den die Drohnen sterben kurz nach der Begattung der Königinnen
für den Imker ist das aber nur ein zu vernachlässigender Faktor in seinen Berechnungen zur Wirtschaftlichkeit.



< the flesh >

Me as landscape,

I love, regulate and torture you

bursting with materiality
a product of your imagination

„Are you feelin’ the feelin? we’re inside of what we make, and it’s inside of us.“ Zu fühlen, dass andere dich fühlen, dich berühren

Let’s celebrate our touchings, its skin talk, it`s tongue touch, it`s breath speech, it`s hand laugh!

The politics of the hold, the mines the war brothels, the military camps the flow between bodies and objects, between thoughts and feelings beyond the line, beyond orders, discipline and punishment

Nehmt meine Rhythmen!

Rhythms for the movements with, between and through the bodies rhythms as form of subjectivation
as survival as poetry as affection

The feel that what is to come is here amongst us, our thing
inescapable, imperceptible, unregulated

As connecting, not relating
as potential of resistance, not critique
as an abstract ornamental line, not in line

The flesh
it’s inside – outside is it everywhere?

Es ist auch in den Lagern der Jungmänner
an der Schwelle zum Erwachsensein, die individuellen Rechte abgebend Jungmänner, Identitätsnummern, die auf das Sterben vorbereitet werden

Das einzig Menschliche im Schlafraum ist die platzsparende Nähe der Pritschen gerade eine Armeslänge Abstand
offiziell ist da keine Berührung möglich

Doch abseits von den Lagerregeln zeigen die Bilder der Lagerfotografen oftmals ungerichtete fröhliche Haufen

A lot of unauthorized touching
on many postcards greetings to the mother postcards now for Internet auctions

Aufgelegte Hände, väterliche Umarmungen, liebevolle Schulterschlüsse

Love stories, stories of the war in black and white smiling, growing up children
adolescent transformations along the authoritarian lines screams at night

hapticality, love

Comradeship, the currency on the field
comrades will stuff my intestines back into slit abdomen temembering father`s advice from previous wars

Hapticality is not somewhere else or beyond the line it is touching and proximal
possibilities for being together in dispossession feeling freely in confinement

Phantasizing about different futures outside the line, we will find other rhythms Unsettling and struggling against that line


< ex- and imploding bodies >

Me, as landscape – longing for contact dreadfully alienated

Geglättet durch eure Imaginationen
durch eure unaufhörlich ästhetisch-schönen Idealisierungen wenn ihr die Aussicht in der Landschaft geniesst

When the collapsing military order is smashing the mass soldier’s bodies intensively mingling
died of thirst on the run
drowned during crossings

Body formations dissolving
the macromachine is falling into parts
the fragmented bodies trembling in anticipation implosion and explosion like a rebirth

Bursting in martyr’s lust
waiting for the moment of discharge

Necropolitical mass organ
statistically recorded, economically calculated, efficiently burned in capitalized colonial rhythms

I did my best to warn!

What they sung during work were not prison songs
building perfect ornamental trenches in perfect working rhythms -aesthetically curved the detonation waves wont have an easy job

When trenches sunk under water, the feet will rot in the shoes I still can hear their many whispered prayers

Während ich die im Verwesungsprozess befindlichen, nährstoffreichen Glieder dem Boden zuführe, bleiben die fragmentierten Körper mit ihrem Phantomschmerz alleine zurück
kein Priester wird die geteilten Organe segnen

Und man ahnt inzwischen, dass die individuellen Gedächtnisse von Därmen, Nieren, Leber und Herzen den Empfängern Albträume bescheren werden



< the molecularized body >

Me, as landscape longing for contact alienated

alleingelassen mit meinen erinnerungen, mit Euren erinnerungen
was in mir pulsiert, wühlt, und sich langsam an die oberfläche arbeitet wie eine entzündete und verstopfte drüse
die mehr und mehr das umgebende fleisch infiziert

Me, as landscape, yearning for care, losing any structure impure excretion
shapeless, between snot and saliva

Me, as symbiotic bodies
mingled bacterias, parasites, hormones and liquids molecular organizing mass

Only when human, non-human and non-quite humans “get rid of their differences and feel the same”
the mass can emerge

Self-organised. there can’t be any lead

Das Meer befindet sich in unaufhörlicher Selbsterregung

Mass, classless, seemingly disorganized without histories, without futures
the abject, the carnal body – nameless without fear of the „dirt“

When bodies merge into shapeless forms, it may happen rigid boundaries are dissolving
into unlawful assemblies
no danger of paying homage to the sacred

In contagious rage it may happen: the erotic exertion of violence

The spirit of man dying in states of ecstasy
And the palpable dog is “enjoying screamingly”

In conspiracy, me, the landscape
it may happen: “L’informe”, the formless and the shapeless as chances of re-arrangment

Assemblages that matter
desiring productions
rather linking microintensities with various landscapes

Einheiten, Partikel und Elemente,
fließen, brechen auseinander, verbinden sich schöpfen einander ab, sind niemals stabil, definiert nicht als Objekte, die sich treffen sondern als Mannigfaltigkeiten, die intra-agieren

Masses always want to grow. masses love density. where is equality?

Deadly as “mass of agitation”, life-affirming as “solid mass”, fleeing as “mass of flight”, rising as “mass of inversion” – Time to invent undercommon trajectories!

Randomized timelines mingled in sensorialities and touchings together with all materialities, organisms and hopes
inventing a queer theory of mass

Keep in mind: assemblages can be deadly! assemblages can be birthing!

back to the beginning



< the seemingly absent female body>

Me as a landscape am female. not female. Or sort of female. But not only.

Deshalb hört niemand mein Grinsen, kurz bevor ich verschwinde
dann, wenn ich die Vibrationen des hypnotisierenden Marschierens im Stechschritt verspüre das ornamentale Exerzieren, mit oder ohne Kavallerie
dieses lächerliche eintönige Einüben des Formaldienstes

“But the army was more than the army: it was the marching forest.” driven by the witches of Macbeth

Und da ich nun beim Weiblichen der bürgerlichen Kulturgeschichte bin: als Lysistrate habe ich als « Heeresauflöserin» gedient

seit Jahrtausenden den antiken Chor anführend sich der männlichen Libido verweigernd
um den Krieg zu beenden, alle Kriege

Frightening Medusian

if: young men becoming vegetation else: the military loves you

What if mothers, will refuse giving birth to sons?

But why hasn’t this already happened?
The myth of the golem as living clay has failed long time ago

now: reborn as the AI-driven terminator A robot fighting as redeemer
biased algorithms

We could close all camps, break up all brothels but nothing would be gained

wenn die Nacht sich über die Hügel legt, sieht man meine Tränen nicht