Monthly Archives: March 2016

imbued with soft infinities

On the Eventfulness of Assemblages Symposium Zurich University of the Arts, Master of Arts in Fine Arts, November 2014 concept and realisation: Joerg Franzbecker and Christian Huebler In techno-environmental ecologies one could perceive how forces, functions and forms are entangling and affecting each other. Multiplicities of human and technological “subjectivities” create a non-coordinated simultaneity of […]

the rasquache peripheries

“Wer war Albert Norden?”, Station Urbaner Kulturen, nGbK Berlin, kuratiert von Ina Wudtke 2015 videochannel link to videochannel the rasquache peripheries is a video channel to be published during the exhibition “Who was Alfred Norden?“. The clips and tracks of the channel articulate the political geography of a generic “ non-identitarian“ urban periphery. They explore […]


        A semi-fictive car race across Kosovan-European migration spaces, the project spread rumours and eluded stagings as it oscillated between unpredictable encounters, pseudo-events and political fictions. Did it happen, or was the event a non-event? “Black Benz Race builds on a rumour, one that invents itself and become its own precursor. Nocturnal […]


      A NEWBORN sign was circulating through the media, i.e. New York Times, Syndey Morning Herald, BBC and Pravda, and had been made visible by hundreds of internet-postings in blogs, Flickr and Youtube. The media presence made the sign apparently hyperprecise and generic: One could get any information about the sign: Produced by […]

be prepared! tiger!

FEEDFORWARD. The Angel of History Cleaning up after the 20th century. What is progress now? The Angel of History addresses the current moment in history where the wreckage of political conflict and economic inequality is piling up, while globalized forces­largely enabled by the “progress” of digital information technologies ­inexorably feed us forward. The exhibition title […]

huwwara_anybody, looking

A participative dis/play – Is the voice of the piece renarrating a TV-report about a failed and half way interrupted attack of a Palestinian boy on an Israelian checkpoint, or,  unfolding a fictive imagination  about a hybridisation of the suicide bomber with a military robot and its surrounding security architecture into an undecodable  animated being? […]

naked bandit

export white_sovereign=’not_here() { while [ enclosed ] ; do echo “naked bandit: here, not here”; echo $white_sovereign| sed -e “s/ ( not_here ) /(& \& ) /g”>; done; } ; ( not_here ) & wait $!’ ; sh -c “$white_sovereign” set-up for audio, code processes and the voice of the audience 

minds of concern :: breaking news

knowbotic research’s Minds of Concern::Breaking News consists of a gallery installation, web interface, and news-tickers. The project web site contains a Minds of Concern list of groups, movements, and non-governmental associations (NGOs) that have a global presence on the Internet. By clicking a name, visitors trigger a set of network processes that investigate the security […]

io_dencies: lavoro immateriale

IO_lavoro immateriale is a collaborative database on the Internet, generated during the time of the Venice Biennale ’99 by Maurizio Lazzarato (political theorist), Luther Blisset (collective of media activists), Michael Hardt (philosopher), Hans Ulrich Reck (media theorist), Enzo Rullani (economist) and Iaia Vantaggiato (journalist). The database serves as an open discursive machine to question the […]