March 23 16
FEEDFORWARD. The Angel of History Cleaning up after the 20th century. What is progress now? The Angel of History addresses the current moment in history where the wreckage of political conflict and economic inequality is piling up, while globalized forceslargely enabled by the “progress” of digital information technologies inexorably feed us forward. The exhibition title […]
March 22 16
A participative dis/play – Is the voice of the piece renarrating a TV-report about a failed and half way interrupted attack of a Palestinian boy on an Israelian checkpoint, or, unfolding a fictive imagination about a hybridisation of the suicide bomber with a military robot and its surrounding security architecture into an undecodable animated being? […]
March 19 16
export white_sovereign=’not_here() { while [ enclosed ] ; do echo “naked bandit: here, not here”; echo $white_sovereign| sed -e “s/ ( not_here ) /(& \& ) /g”>; done; } ; ( not_here ) & wait $!’ ; sh -c “$white_sovereign” set-up for audio, code processes and the voice of the audience
March 18 16
knowbotic research’s Minds of Concern::Breaking News consists of a gallery installation, web interface, and news-tickers. The project web site contains a Minds of Concern list of groups, movements, and non-governmental associations (NGOs) that have a global presence on the Internet. By clicking a name, visitors trigger a set of network processes that investigate the security […]
March 17 16
IO_lavoro immateriale is a collaborative database on the Internet, generated during the time of the Venice Biennale ’99 by Maurizio Lazzarato (political theorist), Luther Blisset (collective of media activists), Michael Hardt (philosopher), Hans Ulrich Reck (media theorist), Enzo Rullani (economist) and Iaia Vantaggiato (journalist). The database serves as an open discursive machine to question the […]
March 29 11
How to crack it!’ was the information and encouragement the computer magazine PC Online offered to readers in issue 10/2000, followed by precise instructions on how to take part in the boldly announced scheme: ‘The CD supplied with this issue contains the brute force attack software you need to participate to crack the password. After […]